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Child Welfare and Attendance


What We Do

The child Welfare and Attendance office serves as an advocate for children to ensure the success of students in school. Our office works with students, parents/guardians, and the school to facilitate enrollment and consistent attendance in the proper school setting. 


  • School Safety

  • Student Handbook

  • Zoning/Student assignment

  • Address Verification

  • Administrative Placements

  • Secondary Complains.COMPASS Evaluator

  • Discipline/Expulsion Hearings

  • Transportation/Field Trips Approval

  • Waiver Forms

  • Outside Counseling Agency Approvals

  • Truancy.SRO Officers

  • Records on Former Students

  • Home school

  • Drug Screen

  • Homeless/vouchers, uniforms, etc...

  • Bullying

  • Investigations

  • Sex Offenders

  • OCR Complaints

  • Student Dr. Ed Form

  • Youth Challenge


Paulette Stovall

Administrative Assistant to Child Welfare & Attendance

Phone:  (318) 325-0601, x5005


Dr. Brian Bush

Director of Child Welfare & Attendance

Phone:  (318) 325-0601, x5017 


Our Success Stories


The Office of Child Welfare & Attendance with the Monroe City School System serves as an advocate for children to ensure the success of students in school. To accomplish this, the office of Child Welfare & Attendance will work closely with students, their parents/guardians, and the school to facilitate enrollment and consistent attendance in the proper school setting.


The Office of Child Welfare & Attendance will conduct home visits to verify the addresses of students so that they are enrolled in the proper school attendance zone. Parental contact will also be made when children have difficulty in school and students fail to meet attendance requirements. Community agencies will be contacted as needed to provide families with the necessary resources to overcome obstacles that prevent proper school attendance and adjustment. 


The Office of Child Welfare & Attendance is also committed to working closely with the Truancy Assessment and Service Center as well as Juvenile Services to take parents to Truancy Court if needed to encourage regular school attendance. Regular school attendance ensures the child will have the greatest opportunity for success.



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