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School Choice 2025-2026

Which schools in Monroe City Schools are eligible for school choice transfers?


  • Barkdull Faulk Elementary

  • Berg Jones Elementary

  • Carroll Junior High School

  • Carver Elementary

  • Clara Hall Accelerated School

  • Madison James Foster Elementary

  • Minnie Ruffin Elementary

  • Roy Neal Shelling, Sr. Elementary

  • Thomas Jefferson Upper Elementary


Why were these schools identified as “schools in need of improvement” and how do they compare to other schools in Monroe City Schools and other schools in Louisiana? 


According to Louisiana State guidelines, the identified schools were deemed “academically unacceptable” with a letter grade of D or F.   This letter grade is based on the school data from the 2023-2024 school year.


What are the schools doing to address the issue of achievement, and what are the school system and the Louisiana State Department of Education doing to help them address the problem?


The school system administration (school site and district staff), supported by outside experts, will evaluate all areas of instruction at the identified schools. This evaluation will include observations and interviews, as well as analysis of relevant student performance data. The information obtained will be used to prepare School Improvement Plans. The plans will require classroom instruction and teacher training to focus on improving the areas in which students are having difficulty. The school will implement best practice reading, writing, and math strategies, tutorial programs, and technology-assisted instruction.  Consultants will work along with the administration and staff to identify the most effective instructional practices for the diverse student population that attend the schools in need of improvement. The State Department of Education will be helping to address academic issues through additional funding and technical assistance through Federal and School Redesign funding sources. Additional assistance includes:


  • In-school reinforcement of skills/tutoring

  • Staffing with highly-qualified teachers and paraprofessionals

  • Effective professional development programs for all instructional staff based on evidence-based best practices targeting student engagement and academic success

  • Additional support through professional school counselors, content leader teachers, state and district support personnel

  • School-based content-specific tutors provided during the school day for students identified with weaknesses in math and ELA

  • One-to-one computer access

  • Summer acceleration and programs

  • Computer-based assessments in core subjects

  • Wide selection of elective courses including Band, Choir, Orchestra, and Talented Art

  • Clubs and organizations such as Jr. Beta and Student Council

  • Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) initiatives

  • Community partnerships with various organizations and groups

How can I become involved in addressing the issues that caused the schools to be identified as a school in need of improvement?


Families are encouraged to arrange a private conference with their child’s teachers to discuss ways to improve academic performance. Families are also invited to participate as members of the School Improvement Team at their schools. The School Improvement Team is a group made up of the principal, assistant principal, teachers and parents that work to improve the education and overall learning experience for all students. Even if a family member does not serve as a member of the School Improvement Team, he or she may attend meetings of the team to discuss possible changes in any area of instruction to improve the school.


Do I have to transfer my child to another school? 


No. We are providing families with this opportunity as an option. The decision is entirely up to you, so you should base your decision on what you think is best for your child. If you choose to have your child attend school at his/her home school, continue with the registration process as required. If you do choose to transfer your child, he or she must remain at the receiving school for the full school year.


Is my child guaranteed placement at a school of choice?


Every effort will be made to honor parents’ requests for transfer. However, students will be granted enrollment at the receiving school based upon enrollment limits, individual achievement scores, and income levels as prescribed by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).  School placement is at the discretion of the school district.


How will my child get to a receiving school?


If your transfer application is approved, your child will have free transportation to their assigned school of choice. Transportation will be provided by the Monroe City School Board. Specific bus information will be available at the District Office by Friday, August 8, 2025. Should your child become ill and need to go home early, parents must provide transportation home. Transportation will not be provided for your child to attend activities before or after school such as extracurricular activities or for parents to attend parent meetings and evening programs. *Please note: Depending on residence, bus pickup could be as early as 6:30 a.m. Return home could be as late as 4:00 p.m.


If my child transfers to a school of choice, will he/she have choice for the next grade band school?


No. School Choice transfers are for one academic school year only. Currently, no Monroe City high schools are eligible for school choice.


What is the deadline for applying for transfer?


If you decide you want to send your child to JS Clark Magnet School or Neville Jr. High School, the Choice Request Form must be returned to the Superintendent’s Office by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 28, 2025. If we do not receive the Choice Request Form from you by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 28, 2025, your child will remain at his/her home school. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.


When will you tell me if my transfer application is approved? 


Parents will receive an official notification by Monday, May 5, 2025, informing them if their transfer application is approved.


Who should I contact if I have additional questions?


Parents with additional questions should reach out to DeAnn Taylor. Supervisor of Compliance/504, at 318-325-0601.

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