Sherrouse School
300 Sherrouse Avenue
Monroe, LA 71203
Contact Us​
(318) 343-3258
Dexter Houston
Jennifer Harris
Sherrouse School is established with the belief that all children can learn. We recognize that the traditional school setting does not meet the needs of all children. Keeping children in school is of paramount importance. To that end, we will provide new educational experience for our students.
Welcome to Sherrouse School!
Our aim is to help you be successful in modifying your attitude/behavior so you can return to your home school. With the assistance of the school administration and faculty, with efforts by the parents/guardians, and with your commitment, this goal can be attained. We believe in you and are here to help you.
The discipline alternative program is structured so you may continue your educational program in lieu of activation of a suspension or expulsion from the MCS (Monroe City Schools) district. Sherrouse’s DAP provides you with an OPPORTUNITY to begin a new, positive experience that will help you in your future educational and career endeavors. With an honest effort on your part and a willingness to change, you can be on the path that will lead back to your home school. Best wishes and much success.

This website is under construction and the process of being updated where possible. Please check back for more information.
You can contact the school about their social media presence through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Remind!